Wednesday, October 14, 2015

One of the last washes

Ahh, I couldn't resist taking a few more photos, but unfortunately, Toby and Belle didn't work along at all! Oh well, can't have it all :D The next few posts (including this one) have less good quality pics, but that's nothing new and it still gives an idea :) Starting with some pics of them in the scratching post basket and Toby getting washed by Dewey.

Toby wanted to play instead

Dew poked him, then continued washing

That soft poke was enough it seems, Toby gave in for a bit :)

Belle was looking cute, but of course, the moment I wanted to capture her...

... she moved, sneaking up on Dew and Toby

Them joining me on the couch, kittencuddles! :L

And snoozing together :)