If there's one thing Noomi loves, it's playing! And she plays with everything, although her furry friend Dewdew stays her favorite toy :)
Common sight :P
I gave her a piece of crumbled up paper the other day, and she loved it! She carried it around in her mouth to play with it in every part of the room :) It's lying near her backpaw here.
Another common sight, she loves that house near the top of the scratchingpole, to sleep in or to attack!
But a toy near the house will do fine too ^_^
And here's an action pic of her going for Dewey's tail, attacking his tail stays fun!
Vicious little claws ^_^
And here she was sneaking up on Dewdew, using the activityboard for "cover" :O
And lastly, raindrops! Kittens are so easily entertained :D
So cute! I follow your nail blog and just found your other blogs. This one will have to do for now :)